Lisbon at Night

Lisbon at Night

Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, is the place where I have started my photography. The beauties of this city with diverse scenes are the best combinations for any photographer.

Lisbon is a very vivid city with loads of actions. Tourists and locals, youngsters and seniors are the constant part of the city.  There is a famous saying: “you cannot take a single shot in Lisbon”. Always friendly strangers will join you on the photo and create a memorable shot. However, I was shy to bring my camera with me. I was just experiencing and I wanted to have time to select the proper setting and structure. So, I always go photography at nights and in quiet places. Seeing the empty street of Lisbon, which is not that common, give my friend and me a great idea. Night photography of cities. The goal was to capture the night view of the city and try to give the viewer the feeling that the city is empty. I’d like to draw the clam face of very active cities.